Monday, December 3, 2012

A Star-Shaped Porcelain Tile...

University of Michigan Museum of Arts (Ann Arbor)

...Depicting a cheetah. Until the Everwayans came to Emerald Savannah, it crowned a King's chair. For centuries, no King of Emerald Savannah ruled without this symbol of athleticism and prowess adoring his throne. Shortly after the Emerald family of Everway began its grain trade with the realm of Emerald Savannah, this royal symbol disappeared.

The records of the Chamber Platinum show that a star-shaped tile fitting this description was recently cataloged in the Ledger of the Chamber's Acquisitions Among the Spheres During the Realm of the Great King Horizon Emerald:

"A fine star-shaped tile depicting a cheetah, gold and red - Origin unknown." 

No one remembers who brought the star-shaped tile to the Chamber Platinum, and the signature of the Ledger's note writer is illegible. The price of the purchase: 10 beads.

The royal family of Emerald Savannah has dispatched a Spherewaker-Emissary to Everway, because the Lion Seer of their realm has had a vision that the star-shaped tile will be found near, on, or within one of the great structures of the City of Everway. The Chamber  has already had inquiries from this Spherewalker, and sent her away with no new information. The Ledger has also been hidden away.

The Chamber Platinum has offered to help with the search. Now they just need to identify the right Spherewalkers to assist the Spherewalker-Emissary from Emerald Savannah. Before she discovers something embarrassing or worse.

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